Evening & Weekend Appointments bookable through your GP practice
Patients registered at this practice can now access additional routine appointments at our extended hours service in Nottingham city centre, GP Plus.
GP Plus is located at 64 Long Row NG1 6JE (between the Dragon Public House & Tesco Extra) near the Old Market Square.
Appointments are available to see GPs, Practice Nurses, Clinical Pharmacists and Physiotherapists in a fully equipped accessible location.
Opening hours are:
- 16:00 – 20:00 Monday – Friday
- 09:00 – 16:00 Saturday
This is not a walk-in service. Appointments are required and are bookable through DRHC reception.
Find out more at www.ncgpa.org.uk/gpplus
Derby Road Health Centre also offer extended hours Wednesday and Friday mornings from 7am to 8am. (Please be aware telephone lines open at 8am).
How do I get an appointment at GP+?
By contacting your usual GP practice who can offer appointments at GP+ alongside appointments at your practice.
Can I turn up without an appointment to be seen?
No. GP+ is not a walk-in centre. You must book an appointment in advance or on the day.
Where can I park?
Unfortunately, parking is not available at the GP+ premises. On-street pay and display parking is available on several nearby streets, and there are 2 pay station car parks in close proximity: Crowne Plaza car park and Upper Parliament St Euro car park
Our city centre location means that there are also several bus and tram stops nearby. Please see the interactive map above for more details.
Are there just doctors working at GP+?
As well as GPs, the GP+ service offers appointments with Practice Nurses, Physiotherapists and Clinical Pharmacists. Appointments are also offered with a Stop Smoking Advisor. For more information on the conditions they can manage, please speak to your GP practice.
If I book an appointment will you have access to my notes to see my medical history?
With your consent, the GP+ clinicians will have access to your notes. This is important to offer you the best quality service.
Will you feedback to my GP after my appointment?
Yes, the GP+ service will send details from the appointment to your practice on the same day. This ensures that there is continuity of your records, which is important for safe and effective medical care. The details will be sent securely within the NHS system.
Please rest assured that patient information security and confidentiality is paramount.
All staff at GP+ are bound by standard NHS terms regarding maintaining patient confidentiality. Be assured that any breach of patient confidentiality would result in immediate investigation and disciplinary action being taken by GP+.
I’m on the waiting list for physiotherapy, can I get a quicker appointment at GP+ instead?
If you have seen a GP or Nurse and then were referred to physiotherapy then you should stay on that waiting list.
If you have a new symptom, the physiotherapy service at GP+ will work as a first assessment service, for example, acute back or neck problems. You do not need to have seen a GP or Nurse first. If your problem can be solved in 1 or 2 sessions, then the GP+ physiotherapist could be the right place to go. Appointments with the Physiotherapist are only available for patients over the age of 18.
Will I be able to see my GP at GP+?
No. You and your practice will not know which GP is working for GP+ on a particular shift, so it will not be possible to tell if it is your GP.
Can I choose a male or female GP?
Yes. Appointments can be requested with a Male or Female GP. However, the name of the GP will not be known.
Can I bring my child for an appointment here?
Yes the service is available for children of all ages.
However, please note the following exceptions:
– Physiotherapists cannot see patients under the age of 18
– Clinical Pharmacists can only see patients over the age of 16
Can I cancel or change my appointment at GP+?
Yes. You will be able to change or cancel appointments through your GP practice.
If I need a prescription can you provide me with one?
Yes. If you need a prescription for an acute problem the GP+ service will provide you with one.
If you need a repeat prescription for your regular medication then the GP+ service will provide a 1 month supply. You are advised to continue to order your regular medication from your practice. Please note GP+ will not hold Controlled Drugs on the premises. If a prescription for controlled drugs is required e.g. Tramadol, Morphine, Sevredol then only a minimal amount will be prescribed to cover until your own practice is open. GP+ wants to minimise the risk of abuse of these drugs.
GP+ reserves the right to refuse to prescribe medication after appropriate assessments.
If I need a referral can you make one for me?
Emergency referrals and admissions to hospital will be arranged by the GP+ service. Urgent referrals to outpatient clinics, where cancer is suspected will also be arranged by the GP+ service. We recommend you contact your practice if you haven’t heard from the hospital within a week of the referral.
If a routine referral is necessary, the GP+ service will send details of your consultation to your GP practice, who will review the case and decide on the best course of action. They will make a referral if they feel it is needed. Alternatively, they may have the skills at the practice to manage your case themselves. Your practice will contact you about this.
Can the GP+ service order tests?
Yes. The doctors can order blood tests just like your own practice. The results of those tests will go back to your own practice, so please contact them for your results.
Can the GP+ service carry out blood tests?
If the doctor you see at GP+ feels you need a blood test immediately, then this can be arranged. You will need to contact your own practice for the results.
Can the GP+ service provide contraceptive services?
The service can offer general contraception advice, the emergency contraceptive pill, routine contraceptive pill prescribing and the injectable contraceptive.
The service cannot provide fitting of coils or contraceptive implants.
Do you offer smear tests?
The GP+ service does not currently offer smear tests.
Do you offer a stop smoking service?
Yes. Since September 2018, our Clinical Pharmacist-led stop smoking service “Stub it!” has been in operation at GP+.
Can the GP+ service provide private letters?
No. Private letters must be completed by your own GP practice.
Is the service regulated by an independent body?
The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care providers in England and conducts periodic inspections of GP Surgeries across the country. They carried out their first inspection of the GP+ service in February 2019. We’re delighted to report that they awarded the service a “Good” rating.
Where can I find a copy of your patient privacy policy?
Please click here to view our GP+ Patient Privacy Notice.
Is it possible to have a chaperone present at my appointment?
Yes. It is our policy to respect the privacy and dignity of our patients. If you would like a chaperone to be present in your consultation, please let the reception team know when you arrive for your appointment.
I am a carer / I have a carer. What support can I get?
Please click here for information on the support available to you.
Where can I find advice on self-help and self-referral services?
Visit our SignpostingHealth website for self-help tips and information on the variety of self-referral services available to patients in Nottingham.
How do I provide feedback on the GP+ service?
Your feedback is important to us. When you attend your appointment at GP+, our service support team will hand you a patient feedback form. The form will ask you to provide feedback on your experience at the GP+ service. You can complete this form anonymously and hand it back to us after your appointment. Should you wish to provide further feedback after your appointment, please speak to one of our service support team on the welcome desk, or click here to contact us.
I wish to make a complaint about the GP+ Service. How do I do this?
We strive to provide the best service we possibly can, but there may be some times when you feel that this has not happened. If this is the case, please click here to view our Complaints Procedure
By contacting your usual GP practice who can offer appointments at GP+ alongside appointments at your practice.
Can I turn up without an appointment to be seen?
No. GP+ is not a walk-in centre. You must book an appointment in advance or on the day.
Where can I park?
Unfortunately, parking is not available at the GP+ premises. On-street pay and display parking is available on several nearby streets, and there are 2 pay station car parks in close proximity: Crowne Plaza car park and Upper Parliament St Euro car park
Our city centre location means that there are also several bus and tram stops nearby. Please see the interactive map above for more details.
Are there just doctors working at GP+?
As well as GPs, the GP+ service offers appointments with Practice Nurses, Physiotherapists and Clinical Pharmacists. Appointments are also offered with a Stop Smoking Advisor. For more information on the conditions they can manage, please speak to your GP practice.
If I book an appointment will you have access to my notes to see my medical history?
With your consent, the GP+ clinicians will have access to your notes. This is important to offer you the best quality service.
Will you feedback to my GP after my appointment?
Yes, the GP+ service will send details from the appointment to your practice on the same day. This ensures that there is continuity of your records, which is important for safe and effective medical care. The details will be sent securely within the NHS system.
Please rest assured that patient information security and confidentiality is paramount.
All staff at GP+ are bound by standard NHS terms regarding maintaining patient confidentiality. Be assured that any breach of patient confidentiality would result in immediate investigation and disciplinary action being taken by GP+.
I’m on the waiting list for physiotherapy, can I get a quicker appointment at GP+ instead?
If you have seen a GP or Nurse and then were referred to physiotherapy then you should stay on that waiting list.
If you have a new symptom, the physiotherapy service at GP+ will work as a first assessment service, for example, acute back or neck problems. You do not need to have seen a GP or Nurse first. If your problem can be solved in 1 or 2 sessions, then the GP+ physiotherapist could be the right place to go. Appointments with the Physiotherapist are only available for patients over the age of 18.
Will I be able to see my GP at GP+?
No. You and your practice will not know which GP is working for GP+ on a particular shift, so it will not be possible to tell if it is your GP.
Can I choose a male or female GP?
Yes. Appointments can be requested with a Male or Female GP. However, the name of the GP will not be known.
Can I bring my child for an appointment here?
Yes the service is available for children of all ages.
However, please note the following exceptions:
– Physiotherapists cannot see patients under the age of 18
– Clinical Pharmacists can only see patients over the age of 16
Can I cancel or change my appointment at GP+?
Yes. You will be able to change or cancel appointments through your GP practice.
If I need a prescription can you provide me with one?
Yes. If you need a prescription for an acute problem the GP+ service will provide you with one.
If you need a repeat prescription for your regular medication then the GP+ service will provide a 1 month supply. You are advised to continue to order your regular medication from your practice. Please note GP+ will not hold Controlled Drugs on the premises. If a prescription for controlled drugs is required e.g. Tramadol, Morphine, Sevredol then only a minimal amount will be prescribed to cover until your own practice is open. GP+ wants to minimise the risk of abuse of these drugs.
GP+ reserves the right to refuse to prescribe medication after appropriate assessments.
If I need a referral can you make one for me?
Emergency referrals and admissions to hospital will be arranged by the GP+ service. Urgent referrals to outpatient clinics, where cancer is suspected will also be arranged by the GP+ service. We recommend you contact your practice if you haven’t heard from the hospital within a week of the referral.
If a routine referral is necessary, the GP+ service will send details of your consultation to your GP practice, who will review the case and decide on the best course of action. They will make a referral if they feel it is needed. Alternatively, they may have the skills at the practice to manage your case themselves. Your practice will contact you about this.
Can the GP+ service order tests?
Yes. The doctors can order blood tests just like your own practice. The results of those tests will go back to your own practice, so please contact them for your results.
Can the GP+ service carry out blood tests?
If the doctor you see at GP+ feels you need a blood test immediately, then this can be arranged. You will need to contact your own practice for the results.
Can the GP+ service provide contraceptive services?
The service can offer general contraception advice, the emergency contraceptive pill, routine contraceptive pill prescribing and the injectable contraceptive.
The service cannot provide fitting of coils or contraceptive implants.
Do you offer smear tests?
The GP+ service does not currently offer smear tests.
Do you offer a stop smoking service?
Yes. Since September 2018, our Clinical Pharmacist-led stop smoking service “Stub it!” has been in operation at GP+.
Can the GP+ service provide private letters?
No. Private letters must be completed by your own GP practice.
Is the service regulated by an independent body?
The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care providers in England and conducts periodic inspections of GP Surgeries across the country. They carried out their first inspection of the GP+ service in February 2019. We’re delighted to report that they awarded the service a “Good” rating.
Where can I find a copy of your patient privacy policy?
Please click here to view our GP+ Patient Privacy Notice.
Is it possible to have a chaperone present at my appointment?
Yes. It is our policy to respect the privacy and dignity of our patients. If you would like a chaperone to be present in your consultation, please let the reception team know when you arrive for your appointment.
I am a carer / I have a carer. What support can I get?
Please click here for information on the support available to you.
Where can I find advice on self-help and self-referral services?
Visit our SignpostingHealth website for self-help tips and information on the variety of self-referral services available to patients in Nottingham.
How do I provide feedback on the GP+ service?
Your feedback is important to us. When you attend your appointment at GP+, our service support team will hand you a patient feedback form. The form will ask you to provide feedback on your experience at the GP+ service. You can complete this form anonymously and hand it back to us after your appointment. Should you wish to provide further feedback after your appointment, please speak to one of our service support team on the welcome desk, or click here to contact us.
I wish to make a complaint about the GP+ Service. How do I do this?
We strive to provide the best service we possibly can, but there may be some times when you feel that this has not happened. If this is the case, please click here to view our Complaints Procedure