Diabetes Clinic

Diabetes is a condition which is becoming ever more common, and there is a lot that can be done to reduce the severity of any complications from this disease.

We hold Diabetic checks regularly for our Diabetic patients, and you will be sent a letter when you are due to come into the surgery to see the nurse.

If this is your first visit our nurse will arrange for you to have a blood tests to monitor your kidney function and to estimate how well your diabetes is controlled. You will also need to bring a urine sample.

The nurse will measure your blood pressure, weight, and eyesight. They will test the urine for glucose and protein and discuss the results of your home blood glucose tests, so remember to bring your results with you. They will look at the results of your blood tests and discuss those with you. They may then advise you on your progress and if necessary they can adjust your medication.

We also have a specialist diabetic nurse who runs a clinic twice per month. Patients need to be referred to this clinic and help those patients with more complicated symptoms.

Helpful Information for Diabetics:

MyType1 Diabetes – free online support for patients.

MyType1 Diabetes is a free online resource with tailored support to help adults in England live well with their type 1 diabetes.

It can help patients understand more about type 1 diabetes and increase their confidence in managing their condition through e-learning, signposting to local services and a wide-range of content available in 10 different languages including Polish, Spanish and Urdu.

The programme is for people over the age of 18, with type 1 diabetes and can be accessed by individuals, families and carers.